Association of Bridal Consultants

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2020 - A Year of Vision

Yes, I guess it was a year of vision. We saw and experienced more than we ever wanted to. We made it through a Pandemic and much more. Our businesses suffered losses that were not expected but then some of our businesses prospered beyond our wildest imganation. We have members at both ends of this spectrum, so 2020 was both a blessing and a curse.

Here at ABC we had our struggles also with membership and we did cancel our Annual Conference, but we also made great leaps with our new website, our new private members only Facebook group and the educational series that was put on by our own Director of Education.

We’ve also had members increase their designation while they are at home and other members just starting their career and taking the Professional Wedding Planner Program.

2021 may not be much better just yet but we can turn that around by keeping each other safe - wearing masks, waiting 6 feet apart and washing our hands to start with. We can also make 2021 better by reaching out and supporting one another - send a Facebook message, pick up a phone and call or even send a card in the mail. We are all here to support one another. Use our members Facebook group and post ideas that you have for your business and get feedback and other ideas from members on making your idea come to life. Maybe your ideas could help another member also.

We look forward to seeing you all at Annual Conference this November!