Association of Bridal Consultants

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Why Join ABC?

ABC Members know why they joined, and why they are still a part of this long standing wedding organization.  If you are not a member you may have heard of the association, but today we would like to share one of our members WHY...

Home after another wonderful Association of Bridal Consultants Meeting (ABC), and I am just so emotional so excuse the long post!  However, it’s on my heart to say, I love my ABC Family! I look forward to every meeting, every conference, every opportunity to learn and grow in the business. When I joined ABC in 2011, I came with preconceptions that was placed in my head that I didn’t need to be a part of an association. That they really didn’t have any relevance in the wedding planning industry and a waste of time and energy. However, through the years I learned that joining ABC was one of the best things that I could do as a wedding planner. It pushed me to run my business by a certain code of ethics, even bigger than the one that I had for myself. ABC pushes me to continue to strive for excellence knowing that because I am affiliated, I am held and expected to be at a certain standard of excellence.

The relationships that I have built through ABC are irreplaceable! My ABC members are supportive, giving and always kind. We learn and grow from each other. We build each other up, we push each other through. We don’t let anyone fall to the wayside. There have been times that I have been down, and an ABC member noticed without me ever saying a word. They would call me the next day or two and say “sister, you were not yourself the other day. Is there anything that I can do for you”. Now that’s love!! 

I could never replace the relationships I’ve built through ABC. And I challenge any wedding professional that isn’t a member to come to a meeting or two, feel us out and learn something new. This association will build your professionally, educationally and personally. No one asked me to say this, it was just in my heart! #ABCMDDC Rocks!

It was the best decision, other than going into business for myself, that I ever made!

Thank you Tia for letting us share your why.   

Join ABC Today -

Tia Paul Robinson