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Random House to Publish Book on Wedding Architecture in November

1 (70)By Bárbara Diez, ABC™, Bárbara Events, Argentina/ChileAn architect is a person who designs and creates, who guides 
and plans. To ensure ideas come to fruition as envisioned, the architect also must serve as builder, maker, producer, commander, director, and leader. This analogy also works to explain the role of a wedding planner. Planners, too, are architects—working with clients to design, create, and successfully execute their wedding-day vision.Arquitectura de una Boda is a journey of creationIn November 2013, Random House Mondadori is publishing the Spanish-language book Arquitectura de una Boda, or “Wedding Architecture,” for the Latin American market. After 13 years as the Argentine leader in the market of wedding and event planning, this will be my first book. Unlike any other wedding planning book, Arquitectura de una Boda is designed to share the knowledge and experiences of myself and my company, Bárbara Diez Events, with couples and wedding planners.When I began planning weddings in Argentina, the challenge was not only to get into the wedding industry, but also to create it. There were a few scattered event organizers, but planners were not specifically targeting weddings. Over the years since my business began, I have learned much, having planned more than 650 events and more than 380 weddings. The most important thing I learned, though, is to “build” a well-constructed event. Arquitectura de una Boda takes readers on a journey from invitations to dance floors, from flowers to power generators. It includes information on how to build a ceremony and reception and contains important details like creating a meticulous party time sheet. Here is a peek at some ideas within Arquitectura de una Boda.Begin by defining the theme and the soulFor wedding architecture to begin, it's important for brides and grooms to think about their wedding as a whole, before hiring a planner or visiting vendors. They need to consider why they are getting married and what will make the event unique and special to them.Whether your clients have done this or not, it’s important that planners beginning architecting the clients’ wedding by addressing these issues and helping define the soul and theme of the event. Then, you must consider the guest list. Ask your clients, “For whom is this ceremony and reception?” It is often a good idea to limit the guest list only to close friends and family. The soul, theme, and size of the wedding are the pillars upon which the wedding construction will take form, brick by brick, whether the client works with a planner or not.BARdirigiendo3Build on a solid foundationOnce it’s time to begin construction, be sure you build the event on solid rock. What does this mean? Which are the pillars or foundations that will make the wedding stand solid? What is fundamental, and what is accessory? A biblical passage of Matthew states, “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”  Likewise, if we build our clients weddings upon solid rock, it will stand strong against any hazard. Be sure that every choice you make takes the strength of the foundation into consideration—from location and catering to technical aspects and decorations.Create an extraordinary weddingAbove all, Arquitectura de una Boda tries to unveil the keys to an extraordinary wedding. Architects know that construction is not merely about technical precision. There are other ingredients that make a building flourish. Planners know this as well. Bring your technical skills to the table but also bring out the heart and soul of the event so that rain or shine, your client's wedding will be memorable