Are You Your Top Priority Today?

This came to me recently when my husband, an extremely busy fire chief in the Northern Nevada/California area who recently sent a crew of brave firefighters to Oklahoma, stated to me “We both spend our days putting out fires.” “YES,” I thought, he listens to me and understands what I’m going through. Then, he asked what did I do for me today? I had to step back and think about it a while. “Oh, I remember, I worked out in my newly built exercise room you set up for me, dear.” Sitting behind my desk all day, reading emails, designing weddings and events, looking through hundreds of linen swatches, calling clients and vendors, I realized, I need to start each and every day making me my top priority. Do you?

So today, I decided to go through my calendar and realized what medical and dental appointments I needed to schedule, as I was getting way behind. My dad retired due to health issues at the age of forty-eight and died only ten years later, so I am careful to keep up with my medical checkups. My mother and grandmother died from colon-cancer, as my brother is currently suffering with the disease, yep, I’m up to date with that as well. Mammogram, Pap, Colonoscopy, check, check and check. Annual physical, get that scheduled?

I looked in my pantry and refrigerator and decided a lot of old, unhealthy foods need to go, and I threw them out. I went to the grocery store and realized how much I now LOVE my local Trader Joes. I walk into the store with my selection of random reusable bags and proudly filled them up with organic and healthy foods. Yes, I’m feeling better already. My disposition is in tack as I was able to not get upset when a young, not very bright, naïve girl from a design company told me I was passive-aggressive. I smiled and responded “thank you Dr. Phil”, and went on with my day….geez!

I’m going to ask you all, “Are you your top priority today? Can you make a ME MORNING, and spend time just for you? Can you start off each and every morning, with a few minutes to exercise, a short walk, lift a couple of pounds with hand weights? Can you promise to increase that ten minutes this week to fifteen minutes next week, then twenty the following? Put away your cell phone, turn off your computer, step away from morning news, and look around you. Did I ever mention I use to hang-glide years ago, oh crazy me? What I remember most about hang-gliding, other than I once went way, way too far over the ocean, I realized what peace and quiet felt like, yes I said felt like. Can you start today and make you the most important project in your life. Think about it, your couples come and go, but you MUST take care of you, mind body and soul. LOVE you today. You are an amazing wedding planner inside and out!

1525168_686913498016041_1051314349_nBy JoAnn Moore MWP, CWC, MGWP, CSS -  JoAnn Moore WeddingsJoAnn, owner of Mountains and Meadows Weddings and Events is a Master Wedding Planner, as designated by the Association of Bridal Consultants. Planning weddings and events for over thirty years, JoAnn has worked with couples with the sweetest love stories, celebrities, politicians and professional athletes. JoAnn and her team specialize in destination weddings in the Rocky Mountain Region and most recently expanded to Northern Nevada/Lake Tahoe Region. JoAnn has created unforgettable weddings in some of the most remote and challenging locations including mountain tops, ranches, cabins, vineyards, private residences and acreage with no infrastructure.  JoAnn Moore Weddings is recognized in the industry with many awards including the Knot’s Hall of Fame, repeatedly Weddings Wires Couples Choice award, Vail Resorts Iconic Wedding Planner for several years to name just a few.   Married to her Fire Chief husband Charlie and mother of five, JoAnn’s busy life is anything but boring.  “I don’t do boring well,” JoAnn admits.12435077_10153870193926318_322959819_o


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