Wedding Wisdom—Building a Strong Foundation for Your Business


By Mary Dann-McNameeWhat is balance? Balance to me means feeling complete. When I am balanced, I feel whole, empowered with high self-esteem, beautiful and confident. But in life, everything should be tempered; being balanced is about having a little bit of everything and not too much of one thing. When I am out of balance, I often feel lethargic, irritable, or anxious. Once I am out of balance, I can often feel angry at myself for getting there; angry for ignoring the signs that one or more aspects of my life (i.e. physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional) are being neglected. It is most important to be aware of the signs of imbalance. They are unique and different for each one of us. Some of these signs may be short temperament, sadness, overspending, eating disorders, controlling behavior, inability to sleep through the night, or overuse of alcohol or drugs.The Four Elements of BalanceThere are four components to balance: physical balance, mental balance, spiritual balance, and emotional balance. I am going to go through some different ways to stay balanced. Whether you are the planner coordinating the planning process for someone else or whether you are the bride moving through your own planning experience, balance is vital.Finding the Gift in the EverydayIt is your job and responsibility to be able to find the gift in everything that you do. Once you do find the gift, the stress seems to melt away. The thing that meant so much that was not happening, doesn’t mean as much anymore. Usually, when you do find the gift and you are thankful, life gets better. You cannot have stress if you are having joy. You are not able to have anxiety and pressure if you are experiencing a gift. It will allow you the ability to see the bigger picture. Take a moment, a breath, a walk, a little time and just put a pause in your busy life. Now you can be grateful for the bigger picture, the family and friends around you, and the people in your life that love you.The Quality Traits of a Great Wedding PlannerSome of the traits that a great wedding planner has are the ability to manage a lot of different items. Excelling at being a mediator, director, leader, and being crafty like a seamstress are just a few key elements to being the best planner you can be. I tell my team, “You leave your ego at the door; you are absolutely there to serve.” If you find that the client is at a space where they cannot make a decision, help them out with that decision. That is what they pay us to do. I am hired to be their expert, coach, producer, therapist, and friend. It is a sacred dance of doing things for them that they may or may not acknowledge. It is helping them get the credit for the beautiful choices they make. It is being excited for their vision, even though it may not be your personal choice.The Foundation for a Successful Wedding BusinessBefore your ideal dream wedding planning business can be realized, it needs to be built on a sturdy, strong, but flexible foundation—a foundation that will stand the test of time. Internally, make sure you are feeling well, fulfilled, and confident. Make sure your heart is open with daily gratitude and a compassionate nature. You have to be open for the gifts of success to come your way. The gifts of prosperity and abundance cannot come your way until you are prepared, organized, and open to the possibilities.This article is an excerpt from Wedding Wisdom—Insights for the Bride, the Planner and Both. Copies of the book are available at or


Destination Weddings 2011 - The Experience of a Lifetime


2011 Destination Weddings Caneel Bay, St. John FAM trip